A Blog Worthy Event, Indeed...
We have been on a mission to get Drew potty trained. A mission that thus far, has been lacking success!! He does really well at school, with all of his friends, but not so much at home! So, Wednesday night, like all other nights, he sat on the potty before getting in the bath. He sat and sat and sat... with no action! Finally, we put him in the tub. Well, he would not sit down in the water. He just kept saying "tee tee in potty" over and over and over. Finally, I decided to get him out of the tub and let him sit back down on his potty. Well, wouldn't ya know it... we had success with #1 AND #2!!! So, we had a joyous celebration that involved opening a present and eating chocolate candy and then we called papaw and gramma and Drew told them the exciting news!! We just made a big deal over this. He even woke up the next morning talking about it and couldn't wait to get to school to tell She-She. So, sorry if this sorta grosses you out.... this was definetly the highlight of our week!!!!
What a BIG boy!!!
I agree, that is definitely worthy to blog about....I have a post when SF was potty training of us praying for potty training...definitely a difficult time! Congratulation on success!
Email me your email address at reobrien3@yahoo.com and I will set you up. We have had some difficulties with privacy and had to make our blog private.
Congrats to y'all. I've just about given up in that department and Garrett was 3 in January!!!
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